Friday, December 31, 2021

2021: The Good Stuff

Yeah, this year has been rather h-e-double-hockey-sticks in so many ways, but there have been some good things peppered throughout the last 365 days, too!

Here's the highlights:

  • The most exciting part of this year is when I became a part of Jennifer Gonzalez's Cult of Pedagogy team! It has been an honor to work with Jenn, and a group of amazing women, on the Teacher's Guide to Tech. I'm looking forward to spending years to come growing in tech with this team! (It's coming out in early January - look for it here.)

  • Friday webinars with Leslie Fisher capped off chaotic weeks, and showed so many fun and engaging tools - tech and otherwise - that I've enjoyed exploring!

  • My school was on campus for the whole 20-21 school year, and while I kinda liked teaching with my pup on my lap, it was nice to get back in the building in April when I returned to in-person after being remote for the year. 

  • Despite the pandemic, I met some incredible educators and experienced fantastic PD via the Clubhouse app.  If you're not on it, I encourage you to check it out. It's social audio at it's best, and is an amazing place to explore so many different topics.

  • Presenting at CUE, my first virtual presentation for a big conference like that, was a blast!  I loved the sessions I saw, and got great feedback on the sessions in which I presented!

  • Reading month is always a favorite, and this year was exceptionally good. Despite being home, I taught from a different book each week. We also created a virtual book shopping experience on CoSpaces for the winners of the Middle School weekly reading raffle!

  • On a personal note, I got a swimming pool in my backyard! It has been a lifelong dream to have my own pool, and I lived it up with my family all summer long. It became my favorite reading spot, too! So many of the 60+ books I read this year were enjoyed in the pool.

I am excited to see what good stuff 2022 brings. Yeah, there will still be lots of yuck, but if we try to make notice of the goods, things will be a lot nicer!


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