Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Spring Breakin' 2019!

My favorite part of spring break has definitely been spending time with the windows and doors open, enjoying watching my dog race in and out of his dog run through the doggie door in pursuit of whatever captured his attention at the moment.

Spring break 2019 has also reignited my love for reading for the sake of reading.  As a child and young adult, I devoured books weekly.  As an educator, I've shifted to mostly children's literature and educational resources.  As a techie... well, I've always been somewhat attached to my devices, and have found it is quite easy to get lost in a simple game of solitaire or rummy....

And in doing so, I often left the simple joy of recreational reading behind.

Until now.

I deleted the games off of my phone.

And I rediscovered a love of reading just to read.

Now, considering I've seen 1:00am a few times in the past week, the challenge is going to be to remember that once started, a book need not be finished in one day!

So, for anyone out there reading this, if you'd like to share any recommendations for good (non-school) reads, please do so!

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