Spring break 2019 has also reignited my love for reading for the sake of reading. As a child and young adult, I devoured books weekly. As an educator, I've shifted to mostly children's literature and educational resources. As a techie... well, I've always been somewhat attached to my devices, and have found it is quite easy to get lost in a simple game of solitaire or rummy....
And in doing so, I often left the simple joy of recreational reading behind.
Until now.
I deleted the games off of my phone.
And I rediscovered a love of reading just to read.
Now, considering I've seen 1:00am a few times in the past week, the challenge is going to be to remember that once started, a book need not be finished in one day!
So, for anyone out there reading this, if you'd like to share any recommendations for good (non-school) reads, please do so!