Friday, February 22, 2019

Refresh. Recharge. Un-plug.

Ahhh, nothing like a nice cool, refreshing sip of unplug, amirigiht?  For today's adolescents, though?  Being unplugged is often the result of being grounded and likely to induce an anxiety attack.

In mid-December, research was released regarding the effects of technology on the developing brain.  60 Minutes, along with many others, reported on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) study, with full results being released later this year, and I am sure I'm not alone in looking forward to reading more about their findings.

This generation was literally born into technology.  I mean, you can even buy a toddler potty with a built in iPad stand.  Seriously.  And to be honest, it kinda bothers me.

Dr. Jean Twenge, psychology professor and author, says, in regards to using smartphones, that "it should be a tool that you use, not a tool that uses you."  I couldn't agree more.  In fact, last week I wrote a guest blog about the importance of balance in regards to technology use.  Go check it out!

"Life at Our Fingertips, Thanks to ENIAC"

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